not just a cupcake
Deep Breath. This is not just a cupcake. This is the first cupcake that Sennet went to buy by himself. He has been asking to do lots of things on his own. Ride his bike around the park. Run the route solo he walks with Kevin and the dogs sometimes (about a mile), go to the park and play basketball for a “little while.” Every time I say yes. Every time I freak the F**K out until he gets home. We haven’t had any talks about stranger danger and he doesnt know our address or phone numbers…. but its time to start having those conversations.
Earlier in the school year, he asked to stop at Dicks to get a shake after school. Dicks is a walk up burger joint. I said he could have a shake as long as he bought it himself. He must have thought I was kidding because when we got there he cried and cried and said I was rude and mean. He didnt get the shake. The next week he asked again and my answer was the same. That week, however, he got out of the car and bought that shake himself. It was really pretty awesome. Since then he has been asking to do things on his own and I love and hate it at the same time.
Seattle parents are hovering helicopter parents and look at me like I am insane when I say things like I made him buy his own shake. And that he has to sort his own laundry and put dishes away. Whatever people.
It scares me when he walks out the door for his solo bike rides but it scares me more not to let him go.
I need to find some good resources on safety and maybe get an id bracelet and then I am determined to let him spread his wings… even if its in the glare of parents who think I am insane!
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