sleepy baby
I don’t have any pictures to go along with this post but I wanted to document it. Kevin is out of town for work and last night when I put Sennet down for bed he was almost immediately restless- sitting up and crying. I went to bed at 10:30 and he had been crying for several minutes and I went in to check on him. He said “uppy” and held his arms out. At 27 months, Sennet has never once slept in our bed. I am grateful he sleeps so well and I would rather him sleep in his own bed and doubly glad we never had to break the habit of co-sleeping. However, there have been times when Sennet has been sick or I have been tired (or both) and have tried to bring him into our bed at 5 am for a few more hours of sleep. When we have brought him into bed with us, he always lays down (for a brief moment you think he might fall asleep) and then within a few minutes he is ready for playtime (no matter the time of night or early morning) and wants to mess with the ipod or the alarm clock or just wants to be tickled. I have always wished that he would lay down and cuddle with us (when we want) but never at the expense of him not wanting to sleep in his own bed. Last night, with arms extended I took Sennet to bed with me fully expecting to move him back to his bed within 20 minutes when he thought it was playtime instead of sleep time. When we woke up it was almost 8 am and he was touching my cheek saying “hi mommy.” It was the single most sweet moment as a mommy to date. I loved waking up with him and Kramer was laying right next to Sennet and it was super sweet. Tonight when I was getting Sennet ready for bed and put his PJs on he ran into our room and started to climb into our bed and was quite upset to be returned to his bed. I can see how hard it would be to break the habit if the kiddo has been sleeping with you long term. It was super special moment but I think Sennet will continue sleeping in his room.
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