Sennet’s Aunt D bought him a pedal bike way back in June for his birthday. It was a 16˝ pedal bike because we thought he was ready for the bigger size (his pedal-less push-bike was a small 12˝). It turned out to be just a bit too big for him. I was able to find a 12˝ pedal bike at work that I took the training wheels off of before I gave it to Sennet. He’s been riding that for the past few weeks now. A boy with a 16˝ bike was at the park last weekend, and was going really fast. Sennet commented on how fast he was riding and I told him it was because he was on the bigger bike. Sennet’s reply: “I want to do that.”
So yesterday we got out the bigger 16˝ birthday bike and took it outside. I thought he might have a bit of trouble on it, since it is bigger, longer, and heavier than the one he is used to. I needn’t have worried. As evidenced in the video below, the very first time he straddled it, he just pushed off and began riding it. He rode it all the way to the playground, around and round, even up the small hill in the center and down the grass – a bit of off-roading. He’s even started wanting to stand up and pedal (like the big kids) and I caught a bit of him doing just that at the end of the video.
It’s all very impressive, considering he won’t even be 3-1/2 years old for another few weeks… and it should again be noted – he has never ridden training wheels. Ever.
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