Sennet is very particular and has some very strange habits.
*This morning he walked around naked in his bedroom screaming “nennets penis” at the top of his lungs over and over. Oh- how I wish I had the video camera. I say “yes, that is your penis” and he says “NO- nennets penis.”
*He really likes for his sleeves to be all the way down and goes a little crazy if the sleeves get pushed up for some reason. I have seen him tugging at his pajama sleeves when he is sleeping.
*Everything at the moment is “nennet does it.”
*If it isn’t Sennet does it- it is “mommy does it”- Kevin is pretty much not allowed to do anything for Sennet unless it involves the park or his bike.
*Sennet is obsessed with his poop and likes to watch it go in the potty and will dump it from his potty to the toilet one at a time and then will run back to his potty to finish pooping. I guess it is better than cleaning a dirty diaper but the process takes forever!
*He loves puzzles and is very good at them.
*He is obsessed with Elmo
*He has NO fear and loves anything that has speed and height- preferably both at the same time.
*He is great sleeper- so glad we did sleep training when he was little.
*He counts- anything above uno is dos. There can be 20 of something and it is still dos.
*Sennet is 27 months and 3T pants are officially high waters. Of course, 4T pants swallow him.
*He shows an affinity for hip hop / rap music. Everytime a hip hop song comes on when we are in the car (the local station we listen to plays all kinds of music and it isn’t your run of the mill commercial music) he always claps and dances in his car seat and “says more songs mommy” when the song finishes.
*He is SO stubborn. Yesterday I waited for one FULL HOUR for him to pick up his jacket he threw on the ground. This little escapade happened in our commercial district so there were lots of passerbys to witness the kicking and screaming and refusing to pick up the jacket.
*He loves sweets- I know where he got that one from (same place as the one above)
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