First field trip
Sennet had his first field trip as a kindergartner. Luckily, my schedule opened up at the last minute and I was able to tag along. We walked to the Tilth Garden (about 25 LONG minutes uphill with 26 5/6 year olds) and the kids got to taste herbs, shovel wood chips, lay down a pathway with the woodchips, dig up and eat a carrot from the garden. It was fun and the weather was pure magic for an October day in Seattle
The Tilth Garden leader (Michelle) is asking what is their favorite thing is to eat from the garden and what their favorite bug from the garden is as well! Sennet’s favorite is a worm and carrots.
The gal on the right hand side is Ms Margretta- Sennet’s super awesome English teacher. She seems to have the gift of not only being an inspiring teacher but also being an amazing classroom manager. So far. we feel pretty lucky.
This is Mike- he was our tour guide. He was a bit snarly but honestly the kids in our group (Sennet included) were a bit snarly so it worked well.
looking for compost worms.
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