la escualita carnival
Carnival is the end of year celebration for preschool and preK graduates. This year at La Escuelita, there has been an AWESOME husband and wife team that teaches music, rhythm and dance to the kids. They have been working really hard on their dance for months. In total, there are 8 different classes that learned dances (between both La Escuelita locations) and each class learned a different dance. It was actually pretty cool and the kids did so great. The photos towards the end with the red spinning skirt is one of the wonderful teachers and the guy with the red shirt and super long dreads is her husband and the other amazing instructor!
This is Adelle, Sennet’s dance partner. We have become friends with her parents and I just sold them a great house in Ballard!
this is our friend Sam- she is a year younger than Sennet and goes to the other school location.
This is Ms Sonya, she was Sennet’s awesome teacher when he was 1-2 year old.
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