Mommy does it
“Mommy does it” and “shit” are just a few examples of Sennet’s increased vocabulary. We don’t really know where he got shit from because neither of us say it much. I am guilty of having a potty mouth, but my word(s) of choice is not shit. Let’s just say it is a very good thing he isn’t repeating me just yet. Kevin has been trying to get him to say oops instead of shit but the outcome was Sennet walking around saying shit, shit, shit, shit for no apparent reason. So for now, we are trying to ignore it and see how that works.
“Mommy does it” would be really sweet but it means that he doesnt want Kevin to help him with anything. Mommy does it means he gets really upset when I am not taking him to bed, getting his cereal, making his dinner, giving him a bath, turning on the TV- you get the picture. I can hardly wait for the “daddy does it” phase. Sennet has made an exception for bike riding and going outside- daddy seems to be just fine for those activities.
Our old nanny came over to sit with Sennet this weekend because Gordon and Marla are in town from Germany so we spent the day at an outdoor concert. Sennet seemed to recognize Erika’s name and warmed up to her right away when she got here- that was really nice to see. We have had amazing weather the last few weeks so it has been fun hanging out with friends and taking Sennet to the park.
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