helmet head
it was really nice a few days ago and Sennet, Finley and I went to the park for almost 2 hours. Sennet was a sweaty mess. One of Sennet’s school friends, Carter met us there as well and all three of them played well together.
it was really nice a few days ago and Sennet, Finley and I went to the park for almost 2 hours. Sennet was a sweaty mess. One of Sennet’s school friends, Carter met us there as well and all three of them played well together.
A new fire station just opened (it is really close to our old house) and we pass it everday so we were it being built. There has been a lot of anticipation for the day where Sennet got to tour the station. Mena and her family met us there too! Sennet was over the moon […]
riding bikes, racing, scooting, playing nicely for the most part
swinging underdog that is.
We took Sennet snow tubing (at Snoqualmie Pass) for the first time with our friend Mena and her parents. It was a blast. In true form, Sennet wanted to go by himself faster and faster!
We had our big Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday this year when our German friends came into town. Sennet helped with many of the preparations including lathering up the bird with butter to get it ready for the deep fryer. If you have never had deep fried turkey- you should. It is really so yummy!