T Ball
T Ball was a great success. All of the kids seemed to have a ton of fun and there were no melt downs- so I call that a win. This is William- he is in K at Sennet’s school in the Spanish class but in the other group. HIs mom, Darla is on the after […]
round two
mom, can you set up the camera with the clicker. Remember that one time when that one lady took photos on the your rug? Let’s do that.
the secret to a good photo
is apparently to set up the tripod and let him take photos of himself. Who knew?
Future quarterback?
This video is Sennet and JT tossing the ball around on a unseasonably warm January day. JT is in 3rd grade and he was pretty impressed when I told him Sennet was in kindergarten. I am not sure how Sennet is so naturally good at pretty much any athletic thing he tries. I have no […]
found cat
now sleeping comfortably with Sennet. Ads have been posted on craigslist, facebook and a mom’s group in Madrona. Sennet will be heartbroken if the owner claims the kitty but for tonight both Sennet and kitty are content