yay for sunshine
First day of the farmers market and big full sun in Seattle so Sennet had some ice cream under a tree.
First day of the farmers market and big full sun in Seattle so Sennet had some ice cream under a tree.
Until today, I considered Sennet fearless. I have never seen him hesitate or show any fear whatsoever- sure he has had a few bad dreams but those weren’t real. Today we took Sennet to his first 3D movie and it was about one of his favorite things- airplanes. The short movie was about an annual […]
I took Sennet and Mena to open gym at a gymnastics academy to get some energy burned off because the weather is so dreary. I was even brave enough to take them both out to lunch at a real sit down restaurant. Both went really… more or less.
it was really nice a few days ago and Sennet, Finley and I went to the park for almost 2 hours. Sennet was a sweaty mess. One of Sennet’s school friends, Carter met us there as well and all three of them played well together.
The last few days Sennet’s new thing is that he wants to comb his hair so it won’t stick up. When he comes in the room and his hair is all slicked down, I tell him how handsome he is. Last night before bed he combed his hair and said he wanted to show Meka […]
The other night as I was putting Sennet to bed he suddenly said, “The phone is ringing!” I said, “Well, you better go answer it.” He ran over to his play kitchen and picked up the silver phone and said hello. “It’s Aunt D!” he shouted. “What does she have to say?” I asked. “She […]